Types of Pest Control Licenses in Texas

When obtaining a structural texas pest control license, it is important to remember certain qualifications.  The best way to understand and know all the rules and regulations associated with obtaining a Texas pest control license is to check Texas’ agricultural website.
There are many categories for a pest control license in Texas.  So the first step is the check and see what is the Texas pest control license requirement for each category you wish to qualify for.  Remember, each category may have separate prep courses, tests, and fees associated with obtaining that specific Texas pest control license.

Texas Pest Control License

Some quick facts about the structural Texas pest control license:
There are two types of licensing for each category:  Business and Individuals.  This can also be categorized as Commercial and noncommercial.

Commercial vs. Noncommercial

A commercial applicator operates a business or is an employee of a business that offers pest control services for hire or compensation.
A noncommercial applicator is a person not affiliated with a business that performs structural pest control for hire but is required to license because they perform pest control services.
There are sometimes different pest control license requirements for each of theses categories above so make sure you check specifically for each category.  Information can be found in more detail on the link above.

Commercial Applicator License

When you are trying to obtain your texas pest control license, also known as a Commercial Applicator License, you will have to complete all the paperwork associated with this Texas pest control license.
There are also a few steps and fees you have to do to get a Texas Pest control license.  Below is a list:
  • The business TPCL Number including any branch number(s) or noncommercial certified applicator license number for the noncommercial entity employed by
  • Business name or noncommercial entity name. Examples of a noncommercial entity: a governmental entity, apartment building, day-care center, hospital, nursing home, hotel, motel, lodge, warehouse, food-processing establishment, school or educational institution, etc.
  • Applicant’s Social Security Number
  • Legal Name of Individual applying for the license
  • Applicant’s Date of Birth
  • Applicant’s Date of Hire
  • Applicant’s Drivers License number and state issued
  • Applicant’s previous employment history
  • Applicant’s applicable college transcript information
  • Applicant’s criminal history information
  • Applicant’s requested examination date (if applicable).
  • A Second Option – Hire a Qualifying Manager

    The second option to getting your business up and running is to hire a qualifying manager.  An individual who has their upper level Texas pest control license, also known as a commercial applicator license, can act as a qualifying manager.  This person holds the licenses necessary to open your doors or continue to run your business as usual.  The Commercial Applicator holder can also be a huge resource to you when starting a new pest control or termite company.

    Where do I find Commercial Applicators/Qualifying Managers?

    Sometimes locating qualifying managers can be difficult, especially in a big state with lots of pest control and termite businesses.  You will also want to make sure that the Commercial Applicator has a clean record and is up to date with continual education and renewal fees.  There is a company that helps people find Texas pest control licenses or Texas Commercial Applicators.  The company is PEST START.  Pest Start, is a co-op community of upper level license holders helping other license holders find businesses to act as a qualifying manager.  Pest Start runs background checks, checks records, and provides a community where Commercial Applicators can help one another.

    Time is Money

    This option of finding a texas pest control license is faster and can be more cost efficient in the short run allowing to start generating businesses immediately as opposed to waiting to get your own license.  You can also hire a Texas pest control license holder, or qualifying manager and then work under their license until you can get your own.