Branch 2 Pest Control License is the terminology for general structural pest for the state of California. The state of California has 3 branches of structural pest control. Branch 2 Pest Control License is the practice relating to the control of household pests excluding fumigation with poisonous or lethal gases.
There are three license types associated with the Branch 2 Pest Control License as well as the other two branches. Each category has a an operator, field rep, and applicator. The operator in the Branch 2 Pest Control License acts as the parties representative for the state and is accountable with laws rules and regulations. For more information regarding these three licenses, visit the California Pest Control Website.

If you are on this page looking for an opportunity to get your Branch 2 Pest Control License to start your own business, you have two options.
Branch 2 Pest Control License
- You can take the prep courses and tests and then pay the fees to get your Branch 2 Pest Control License. If this is the route you are wanting to go then visit our page on getting your license.
- If you are looking for ways to get your business off the ground or up and running again faster and don’t have the means, time, or resources to take the tests, etc. you can hire an individual who already holds the Branch 2 Pest Control License and can act as your operator and qualifying manager.
Hiring a Qualifying Manager
When hiring a qualifying manager it is important to understand their role. They act as the liaison between you and the state and are held responsible for training your technicians on proper spraying, storing, and vehicle prepartion according to the state laws.
If you are having a difficult time locating someone with a branch 2 pest control license there is a company that helps business such as yourself locate quality, experienced, and clean record license holders. PEST START specializes in this. So whether you are a business looking for a Branch 2 pest control license or an operator looking for a business to qualify, PEST START, can help you find them.
The 2 options above, in my experience are the only two really effective ways to obtain a branch 2 pest control license.