How To Get A Pest Control License

How to get a Pest Control License will help you navigate the complex sites of each states department of agriculture, or the site where the regulations lie.  Typically how to get a pest control license will be on those pages.  As each state varies you will need to be careful that every step is completed. There are however some general steps that are similar.  First, if you already have a pest control license look into reciprocity.  If the new state you are moving to accepts your hours or experience, then you are a head of the game.  you will typically need to still pay the fees and maybe take a test but other than that you are good to go once you fill out the documents and turn them in.

How To Get A Pest Control License

If you are looking at how to get a pest control license from the beginning the first step is to look into the years of experience that are required to obtain that states license.  If you have the experience necessary the next step in learning how to get a pest control license is to find out when the prep courses are being offered.  The prep course is very helpful and can help you learn tips on how to study and what a lot of the material will be on.  The next step is to schedule the test and then take it.  Be sure to get plenty of rest and a good breakfast as these tests can be very difficult and may take up to 3 hours.  Next on the list on how to get a pest control license is get your score back and if you score to fill out the next round of paper work with the state.  Once this is in and everything gets approved, you can then pay the fees to get the actual license.  Once that is done, you are good to go and may act as an operator for structural pest control.

Qualifying Manager – Saves money & time

If you don’t have the luxury or resources to learn how to get a pest control license and need to open your doors sooner you can hire on a Qualifying Manager to act as your operator.  This person should have a clean record, years of experience and understand the process of how to act as the operator thru the qualifying manager role.  You can also use this as an opportunity to learn how to get a pest control license by gaining the time needed for the license while working under your part-time qualifying manager.