Louisiana Pest Control License

If you are looking to get a Louisiana Pest Control License or you already have one but looking for a company to qualify, you have come to the right place.  When dealing with either one of these, whether it is obtaining a Louisiana pest control license or finding a company to act as a qualifying manager, it is important to check the state’s website to make sure you complete all the requirements and follow all the rules.

Louisiana Pest Control License

The Louisiana pest control license has six different categories:
  • General Pest Control
  • Commercial Vertebrate Control
  • Termite Control
  • Structural Fumigation
  • Commodity Fumigation
  • Ship Fumigation
The most popular Louisiana pest control license is that of “General Pest Control”.  For more information on qualifications and guidelines in obtaining this license visit the state’s website.
If for some reason you are looking for a quicker solution to getting your pest control or termite business off the ground, there is a company called www.PESTSTART.com, that helps pest control or termite companies find certified operators to act as qualifying managers.  PEST START does background checks on both the business owner and the Operator to ensure that both parties are in good standing.

Finding a Qualifying Manager

The advantage of using a company like PEST START are:  most new business owners are trying to keep costs down, with PEST START you hire on a qualifying Manager as a part time employee.  With that you get their licenses, experience and help.  You don’t have to pay for the prep courses, pay for and take the tests, and then pay the fees to get the licenses.  Furthermore, you don’t have to wait to qualify yourself for the license which means as soon as all the paper work is in, you can have a Louisiana pest control license immediately allowing you to start bringing on new clients.  Another advantage is, if you don’t qualify for the time commitment, you can work under the operator that is acting as your qualifying manager until you can get your own Louisiana Pest Control License.