Structural Pest Control License

Structural pest control license is just another way of saying either general pest, or traditionally, pest control license.  Structural Pest Control License deals with spraying of structures or residntial homes or areas and is not classified for commercial or agricultural spraying.  As each state varies in what structural pest control may cover and not cover, check your state’s Department of Agriculture to ensure you know exactly what each license covers and allows you to work with.
Each state does vary in the process in allowing individuals to get their licenses.   The process of gaining a structural pest control license is often expensive, time consuming, and challenging. Some state’s tests are particularly difficult to pass, and many technicians / operators end up taking the test multiple times before passing. For specific information about your state’s licensing guidelines, visit the state pages on our site or visit the states website.

Getting Started without the License

If you don’t have the time or resources in obtaining a structural pest control business and you want to get the business off the ground immediately the other option you have is to hire a Qualifying Manager.  This individual becomes an extension of your team and already has the structural pest control license that you need and can act as your businesses operator.  Check each state to ensure that the person you bring on has the proper structural pest control license needed to open your doors legally in the state you are in.
If you are having difficulty finding a qualifying manager with the structural pest control license you need,, is a company that specializes in helping business owners and operators find each other.  Check out their website and give them a call if you feel it is a good fit in finding a high quality, experience qualifying manager with the structural pest control license you need.  If you would rather take the time and spend the money and qualify on your own, visit your state website for tips and guidelines on how much time and money you will need to allocate for the prep courses, tests, and fees associated with obtaining your structural pest control license on your own.