Obtaining A Georgia Pest Control License

Obtaining a Georgia Pest Control License is both simple and complex.  The simple side of it is, you take the prep course, you take the test, and you pay the fees associated with both of these and then the fees to get the actual license.

The complex side of things is that the test can be very difficult and time consuming.  Understand that when you get your Georgia Pest Control License that you’ll need to renew every 1 -3 years and pay fees associated with it.  It is also important to understand what regulations and laws apply to your license specifically and what you, as the operator/Georgia pest control license holder is responsible for.  The responsibility lies on the pest control license holder if anything goes wrong.
To ensure that you are following all the steps necessary to getting your Georgia Pest Control License visit the state agricultural website.

Step-By-Step on Getting Licensed

Remember the following:
  • Print off all forms and fill out properly.
  • Find the times and locations for the prep course for the test if you decide to take it.  (this is recommended as the test is challenging)
  • Gather all materials for studying
  • Select your test date and take exam.  Don’t forget to pay all fees
  • Once you have taken the test and pass and qualify for the Georgia Pest Control License, then submit the additional paper work to the state to obtain the actual license.
  • Remember to check with the state website to ensure you have everything filled out and everything is done properly so that you can obtain your Georgia Pest Control License
Once this is done, you can then act as the certified operator, or open the doors to your own business.  You man also act as a QUALIFYING MANAGER for other pest control companies that have not qualified for this license.